Discover, MAKEDO, Age 5+, Set of, 126 pieces


ESPO International

Normal price £41.10

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Hours of fun-filled play time are to be had as little ones use their creativity to conjure up cardboard creations. Easy and safe, cardboard construction is a breeze with Makedo® Children can use tools safely to safely saw, and connect their pieces of cardboard together. Whilst they are busy making their open-ended cardboard designs, youngsters will be developing their problem solving and critical thinking skills. All tools can be stored neatly in the toolbox.

Discover kit includes;

1 x Fold roller- Sculpt like a professional

2 x safe saws- steel blade with no sharp edges

1 x screw driver - connects the cardboard together

90 x Scrus connects up to 3 layers of corrugated cardboard

30 x Scru+ connects up to six layers of corrugated cardboard

2 x Mini-Tool- for parallel and collaborative making

  • Construction
  • Curriculum
  • Design & Technology