EARLY YEARS, DRUMS, Teenyweeny Kenkeni, Set of, 2


ESPO International

Normal price £104.90

Prices ave not available through this website. After you request a quote, your local distributor will send you a quotation in your local currency.

These double ended goatskin drums are made from fast growing bamboo and are really tough meaning that they will withstand extensive long term use. They're great favourites with young players and can be used outdoors providing they're kept reasonably dry.
The drum itself is very tactile and makes a satisfying thud when played. It isn’t aggressively loud and is small enough for children to carry themselves.
This item is supplied as a set of two and includes 4 padded beaters.
The recommended age for use of this item is 3yrs +.

  • Curriculum
  • Music
  • Musical Instruments